Pushing the Limits of LED Lighting Technology

MEGAMAN® is excited to announce its groundbreaking LED lighting technology – the Dual Beam Technology (DBT) which offers a flexible choice of beam angles in one single luminaire. This innovative technology is designed to make adjusting on-site lighting effect easier and help facilitate inventory management.


Dual Beam Technology –Two Beam Angles in One Luminaire

MEGAMAN® pioneered an innovative approach for switching the size of the light spot with a simple push action on luminaires featured with Dual Beam Technology (patent pending) . With this technology one can shape the light spot of the luminaire from a narrow beam to a wider beam angle.

The term “Dual Beam” refers to the dual function of a luminaire. It can be set to project a narrow beam or a wider beam. Luminaires with “Dual Beam” function provide users unparalleled flexibility and convenience when adjusting the contrast between ambient and accent lighting on-site, eliminating the hustle and bustle of changing luminaire with a different beam angle. In some cases, fixtures with specific beam angle are not readily available and subsequent arrangement will cause inevitable delay in completing projects. Choosing luminaires equipped with MEGAMAN®’s Dual Beam Technology will put you at ease when doing projects.

How It Works

The mechanism that makes Dual Beam illumination possible is cleverly engineered into the DBT-enabled luminaire. To shape the beam angle of such luminaire, simply apply a push action on the front lens. This unique mechanism enables users to switch beam angles instantly from a narrow beam to a wider beam and vice versa.

Let us take one luminaire model as an example. As shown below, the default beam angle setting is 24° (the len is in an extended position - Fig 1). By applying a push action on the front lens, users can adjust the beam angle to as broad as 36° or 45° (subject to model number) as the front lens is pushed to a retracted position - Fig 2.

Fig 1: The lens in extended position, producing narrow beam light effect.
Fig 2: The lens in retracted position, producing wider beam light effect.

MARCO Track Light with DBT

MEGAMAN®’s innovative Dual Beam Technology (DBT) is first featured in our MARCO LED Integrated Track Light, which provides high level of flexibility and reliability to retail lighting environment as well as other applications.