Altira Macau Hotel.
Altira Macau Invests in Carbon Reduction to Attain a Win-Win-Win Situation
In recent years, with the support of the Macau Government to develop the tourism industry, the number of tourists visiting Macau and the hotel occupancy rate have increased at a steady rate. Tourism is now becoming one of the mainstays of Macau’s economy. The local hotel operators do not only strive to improve the hotel facilities and offer the best services to visitors, they are also trying to incorporate green concepts into the management and operation of the hotels.
A truly “green hotel” injects eco-elements into both the hardware and software of the hotel simultaneously, to allow visitors to enjoy a green holiday without sacrificing the quality of services offered to them. Among these, the Altira Macau (previously the Crown Macau), which is reputable for its contemporary and luxurious accommodation, has long been carrying out various environmentally friendly measures and investing in quality ecoequipment, setting an excellent example for the industry.
Invest in Eco-Lighting to Enhance the Quality of the Hotel
As one of the environmental protection measures, Altira Macau has made significant investment in improving the energy efficiency of the lighting system by employing the MEGAMAN® eco-lighting solution. In an effort to enhance the interior design of the hotel, Altira Macau has enabled dimmable lighting in more than 200 rooms. In the past, incandescent lamps were used as the major light source in the room. However, incandescent lamps generate lots of heat that leads to a significant rise in room temperature. This, in turn, resulted in over a million dollars being spent on electricity to support air-conditioning. In light of this, the hotel has employed the MEGAMAN® DIMMERABLE energy saving lamp, which offers a smooth dimming experience just like an incandescent lamp does. What’s more, it generates much less heat that helps to create a comfortable ambience.
In addition, the hotel has employed the MEGAMAN® LED PAR16 7W for to light the corridors of the guest room floors. The MEGAMAN® LED PAR16 7W offers a beam angle of 15 degree to deliver an excellent accent lighting effect. So far, over two thousands of MEGAMAN® lamps have been installed in different areas of the hotel. The MEGAMAN® dimmable energy saving lamps and LED lamps have a lamp life of 10,000 hours and 25,000 hours respectively. With such a long lifespan, the frequency of relamping is greatly reduced. Indeed, the hotel reports that no lamps have been changed for a year.
Achieve Win-Win-Win with Energy and Environmental Savings
The changeover of the lighting system helps Altira Macau save around HK$200,000 of electricity cost. According to the Engineering Services Manager of Altira Macau, Gerald Cheung, “compared to the previous year with a similar occupancy rate, the electricity consumption has been reduced.” As for the environment, 70 trees must be planted to absorb the CO2 produced by a single 60W incandescent lamp, while only 10 trees are required for an 11W energy saving lamp that delivers the same level of brightness. Not only is operation cost saved, but also CO2 emission is much lowered, freeing up much more clean air. Hoteliers, having adopted various environmental measures, help to promote sustainability as well as free up more resources for improving the hotel facilities and quality of services. This in turn helps to create a better image for the hotel industry of Macau, achieving a win-win-win situation.